I study governance in post-conflict states.

How do elites share political and economic resources after conflict? Under which conditions can states reform? 

Such questions guide my research agenda. With a regional expertise of the Middle East and North Africa, I focus on the Levante (Lebanon, Iraq and Syria). My research and articles got published widely in international journals. 

I am currently a FCV Country Coordinator and economist for the World Bank as well as a research fellow at the Beirut-based think tank The Policy Initiative. I hold a Ph.D. in political economy from Dublin City University.

As a musician and cellist, I explore the boundaries of the cello in contemporary music. My current projects include a solo program that focuses on folk and flamenco music, as well as projects with the impeccable Ziad El-Ahmadie (oud) and Bahaa Daou (percussion) to fuse classical Arabic and European music.

Find out more about my music projects here

Find out more about my publications here